ຂໍແນະນຳເລື່ອງທີ 6 ” In This Corner of the World ”
ໃນຊ່ວງສົງຄາມໂລກຄັ້ງທີ 2, ເດັກສາວອາຍຸ 18 ໄດ້ແຕ່ງງານອອກຢູ່ກັບສາມີ ແລະ ຕ້ອງໄດ້ກະກຽມອາຫານໃຫ້ຄອບຄົວ ເຖິງວ່າຈະຂາດແຄນອຸປະກອນເຄື່ອງປຸງ ແຕ່ວ່າ ລາວກໍ່ບໍ່ທໍ້ແທ້ ແລະ ດິ້ນຮົນຫາທາງເພື່ອໃຫ້ມີຊິວິດຢູ່ໄດ້
Introductions of films to be screened : #6 “In This Corner of the World”
Set in Hiroshima during World War II, an 18-year-old girl gets married and now has to prepare food for her family despite the rationing and lack of supplies. As she struggles with the daily loss of life’s amenities she still has to maintain the will to live…
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