Japan Foundation Asia Center will invite Mr. Lattanakone Insisiengmay (Toh) to this Festival. He is a representative of the “KHAONIEW THEATRE GROUP.”
“ricca ricca*festa” (Official Name: International Theater Festival OKINAWA for Young Audiences) is an international festival of performing arts for children, young people and their families which has taken place in Okinawa annually since 2005. ricca ricca*festa 2017 is the 14th edition including the first festival in 1994.
The festival presents high-quality productions which are carefully selected with the motto of ‘productions which can be enjoyed from 0 year old to adults’.
ricca ricca*festa does not only present productions but also organises networking programme, symposium and workshop for TYA (Theatre for Young Audiences) practitioners in Asia and beyond. It is a popular summer event for local families and at the same timean active platform for artists and professionals worldwide.
For more check it up at the below site:
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